Cute kid, huh?
So, I left 1127 to get huge at the gym. But before I ventured into Domination Station, I thought it'd be a good idea to check my email ( This was at 10:45. I didn't get my pump on until 3:45. What could have possibly delayed me this long, you ask? Well read on, faithful reader(s).
Inbox was fairly loaded, mostly with emails of the junk or junk-ish variety. But alas, a few stood out. One being from my now lone agent(more on that later), and the other from a stranger who was producing some webisodes and wanted to know if I was interested. I was intrigued, at least. Email from the agent: Canadian "Bath Tissue" to be seen by only the Canucks. Decent money. Solid. Shoot date? Boom, I'll be here. Sign me up. Oh, callback date, I'm supposed to be atop a glorious mountain of snow for the first day of shredding. So, I ponder away, and decide, if I get a callback, I can change the flight to Friday evening and just miss a day of gnar(or pow pow, or whatever they call it out there). Problem solved, with some lingering doubts.
On to the mystery producer. He/She/They/It/Shim have been "hired" to produce what will hopefully be a web-series and wants me to audition for one of the characters. I say I'll look at the script(mostly to make sure it wasn't on the shady side of the industry). It isn't. So, I tape, edit, and send in my audition. Shortly thereafter, a reply says it looks like I'm reading off the page. Duh, you sent it to me like 3 nano-seconds ago. Whatev. Lunch time.
Back from lunch, I do take two. Tape, edit, send. Apparently it was good enough for a request to be made on my availability. Perfect. I'm gone from Feb 17-22, March 4-6(this date comes into play in the next section), will be filming March 11-13 and another weekend in March to be named. So, maybe I'm not AS available as I lead on. We'll deal with that if/when it comes up. And, surely, it will. Regardless, a promising "lead"on a project that at least 5 people will see.
Right. March 4-6. I, along with RBDIII, will be attending a joint party for another pair of brothers from the neighborhood down in Key West for some shuffle-board and some virgin daquiris on the beach. Sounds lovely, right? Well, no doubt, it will be. So I marked it off so the production I can't really talk about that is supposed to be bigger than I think it will probably be, doesn't select that weekend to shoot. Oh, but I forgot I planned a trip, so of course that's one of the weekends they picked. Shocker. This coming two days after telling RBDIII I am definitely going, so he can book his flight, for a pretty penny. Um, ahem, I don't mean to be a pain, but I marked that weekend off.....Right, overlooked that, we're sorry, no worries, someone else has a conflict too, you're good. Sweet. Good thing I didn't stress over that at all.
Almost forgot the "now lone agent" thing. When I first started my journey to break into the industry, I sent out my info to most of the local agencies. Was rejected by a few, and accepted by four. Well, three, and eventually signed on with a family friend who has a very reputable agency. Anywho, over the years, I dropped two of the four fairly easily, and was left with two. One, with whom I've booked the most money to date. The other can probably take me further in the long run(and is also the family friend). I decide to look to the future and break up with the one I've made some money with. I dreaded the phone call, and it went about as expected, but I sure am glad to have the weight off my shoulders of "meaning" to make the call.
So I load myself full of PEDs and make my way into the thunder-dome. 3:45. AND THERE IS SOMEONE IN HERE?!?!?! Total BS. Thankfully I scare her off with my grunting and dropping of weights.
Back to 1127 just in time to see the Rock eat/throw around dinner and take a bubble bath. Jealous. I managed to give Pete his bottle sans milkboarding. Success.
I promise I'll never put you through this long of a blog again. +10 if you read the whole thing.
And remember, Don't Sweat the Technique.
+10 for me, very entertaining. But you are supposed to do more than three bench presses with your new haircut if you are going to insist on HGH. JAGER BOMBS!