Our wolfpack of 5 met up at the top of the Motherload lift. Everyone was pumping tunes. Ready to rock. So we head down to epic-town with the plan being just to meet at the bottom of the lift. Well, while jammin out to some sweet tune-age, RBDIII misses the meet up point, and is now separated. After comms were re-established, I get a text that says something like, "My ski fell off at the bottom of lift, can you go get it?" For some reason, I find this particularly humorous, and point the skis downhill to located said ski. I get to the bottom to find the ski has already been sent back up. I'm riding the lift alone, and think, "Hey, I should check my email and make sure I'm not missing anything." 200 emails. Whoa. Definitely missed something.
Missed the fact...that I was CYBER HACKED!!!
Some loony-toon decided it'd be funny to send my friends, family, and business-folk alike some sort of spam link ranging from movie-looking links, to some, well, slightly more embarrassing links. Yikes.
What to do? I decide I need to write an apology for filling folks emails with what was seemingly a harmless email from a friend. I didn't really expect any real responses, but I got all sorts of responses. "I still hate you" responses, "What are you up to" responses, "I didn't get the email" responses, some business from people in the film world, and some thank you responses. I was most interested by the last group. Who knew that sending out an apology email for spamming peeps would elicit a thank you. Moral of the story, if you take a few seconds to do what you think "the right thing" is, people appreciate it. (Also, you can reconnect with people in your industry, but that's more self-serving and stuff).
Welp, here's to checking gmail on https from here on out. Hopefully more news to deliver in the coming weeks.
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