
Tuesday, December 13


the moment i hit "publish" and got up for my nap, sweet P woke up.  seriously, the very moment.  sorry buddy, you are going to have to cry for a while.  GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!

I should be sleeping....

Other things I should be doing:
*Christmas present wrapping

Things I should have already blogged about:
*P man's birthday
*Christmas season in Annapolis
*Anything at all about baby girl
*Uncle CMD's visit
*Yay yay!'s visit

How is it possible to not feel behind at every moment in the day?  Both of the babies are sleeping so I am wolfing down some food and writing a quick update before throwing my head on a pillow and praying P stays asleep for at least 20 more minutes.

Mostly I'll update you with pictures, mostly because that is the fastest way to communicate what is going on, and honestly, I am sure that is all you want to see anyway.

Sweet P turned TWO just before Thanksgiving and we celebrated the way all Floridians do...Disney World!!  Truthfully ( I've said this a million times) I thought P might be too young to really enjoy the Happiest Place on Earth, but he ate it UP!  He LOVED Mickey and ran around matching his shirt with Mickey on it to all the pictures of the mouse he could find.  Baby L did a great job all wrapped up in her baby bjorn and enjoyed the bright sunshiney day being carried around.  P rode Winnie-the-Pooh who's name he confused with POOP! hilarious.  We did its a small world, dumbo, P ran away and out of line for Peter Pan's ride.  I have never run so fast after a bobbing blonde head as I did before.  Caught.

My favorite part was the Jungle Cruise which had P's head on a swivel with all of the animals.  Plus, as those of you who are fans of the Jungle Cruise know, so much depends on the jokes of your captain.  This girl was fantastic, ask CMD.  We both laughed out loud during the entire ride, it was kind of embarrassing.  Sweet P passed out in his stroller while BML and CMD rode Splash Mountain, then we hopped on the train that goes around the whole park to end up on Main Street where we all decided to call it a day before we collapsed from exhaustion.  The babies were perfect, the day was perfect, we were tired!

And of course a birthday cannot be celebrated in our family without Yay yay!'s delicious sheet cake so the next day we celebrated again with cake, and an Elmo balloon.  I never knew what all the Elmo fuss was about until I had a 2 year old of my own - this kid LOVES Elmo.  SO much that when Granddad accidentally popped Elmo while making pancakes he had to run out to Publix to buy a new one.  Whew.

It was so great to see family and friends, celebrate birthdays and Thanksgiving and know that next time we are in the Sunshine State we will be calling it home!  About 3 weeks to go and SO much to do before we get there.  Pit stop in North Carolina for a good old North Carolina Christmas we are so excited about!

I hope this isn't my last post from Annapolis...but it might be.  I'll try for it not to be since I still have to tell you what great friends we have made here, how much we will miss this, and how we so appreciate all of their help and love over the past 4 years.  I'll get back to that next time...have to leave time to pretend to nap!

I had to include this last one because P LOVES Uncle CMD and now insists on lying (laying??) like this while drawing....awesome.

Thursday, December 1

Health and Happiness

Three members of the coastal bs team (and the only ones who have blogged more than twice) spent some QT together down in the sunshine state for Thanksgiving. You can expect some hilarious stories to come out of that time just as soon as we all gather our wits, dust the travel germs off, and get just a tiny bit more rest.

It's 5:30pm  PST and I am thinking about putting on my soft clothes and jumping in bed with a book and some hot chocolate. Who am I kidding? Way too tired to even do some light reading. Words with Friends competitors, now is the time to take advantage.

It's freezing. We couldn't keep him out.
A preview -
After BML went back to northern environs to tend to classes and work, I decided to be an awesome sister and wake up early to play with p while his mom went back to bed. Little l messed with that plan a bit, but p and I were still up playing at 6:30am. Grand dad made pancakes, he popped Elmo, p & I played with the dogs, (I stepped in dog mess), p played Angry Birds, I pretended Burds was broken, p goes up the stairs, p came down the stairs, in the sand, in the swing, please not the pool again, I vacuumed dog hair, I put away toys, p got out new toys, I stubbed toe on high chair, and then we threw ourselves on the bed. I looked at the clock. Not even 10am yet.

It was a fabulous week. Obviously there were stressful moments, but we're getting pretty good at counting our blessings. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and wish you all the Health and Happiness you deserve (and maybe some you don't) this Christmas season.