
Thursday, February 24

feeling left out

and so we are packing up and moving on ourselves!
our move is less like RBDIII and FTD who moved from the east to the west,
and more like CMD...a move across the street.

for us, this means packing up all of our belongings and driving them 1.5 miles
to our new townhouse.  i never thought i would be excited about living in a townhouse;
BUT we'll have 3 floors!  thats one floor for each hour that little p is awake!
and a dishwasher...oh how i can't wait for a dishwasher. 
life changing.

i'm trying to remain positive because i loathe moving,
and p loathes the sound of packing tape which makes it difficult to construct my boxes while he is awake,
but he isn't sleeping so great (duh) so i can't use it while he sleeps either.
oh dear.

so far this week i have packed 4 boxes.
one a day.
we move in 8 days.
i should get a "move" on it.

thanks for the help P man!

oh those long flowing day we'll cut it...when we aren't
puking or packing.  and maybe when the sun decides to come out.
i'm no use for anything in this weather. which is why p is always wearing his florida gear.
wishful thinking.

p.s.  sprout #2 is 13 weeks tomorrow and doing great. praise be to God!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry Peter Man! Aunt T will be there before you know it. We'll go get a haircut (I need one too) and then I'll treat you to some ice cream.
