
Monday, August 1

Hail to the Chief Part II

I am fairly certain that
O Captain, my Captain,
told us that the specific words were...
"Hail to the Chief cause he's the chief and he needs hailing..."
and so, to this day, those are the lyrics
I sing when I hear the tune.
Dads are never wrong,

FTD captured the event pretty perfectly,
and the only real thing to add
is my adoration and admiration of
His Honor.
dear ole dad.

sweet little p thinks pretty highly of his Granddad too,
and insisted he be held while the new Judge
was taking his oath.
pretty sure Granddad didn't mind
(translation, loved every second of it, could hardly contain his joy).

p almost stole the show with his antics up front
which consisted of -
running away from his parents (a favorite new activity),
twirling his sweater over his head,
and throwing raisins all over the floor.
all of this was invisible to most of the crowd,
except the judicial bench.

they really didn't seem to mind.
p got plenty of compliments,
but the real accolades were saved for RBD Jr.
much deserved, after a long wait.
i've said it before, but it deserves saying again,
we're proud of you dad,
we love you.
congratulations on your new title -
but to us, you'll always be:

mr. skipper
pop pop

i'll leave the rest of you with some quotes that describe
the event, the family, etc.

from UF
"in all kinds of weather we all stick together"

and Psalm 16
 “Lord, you have assigned me my portion
and my cup. You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen
for me in pleasant places.”

we are blessed indeed.
we missed you RBD III.
stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. I could have sworn that "Hail to the Chief cause he's the chief and he needs hailing" came from President Bartlett. That episode second only to the one where Donna discovers she's Canadian.
