Hello Family!
It's been a long while since our last update, most obviously because Sam was yet to be born in our previous post and in this one he is 18 months old. He is an actual delight.
Samuel Taylor Elliott was born on September 18 just a few days after his official estimated arrival. We survived the summer heat by staying at the YMCA splash pad for hours and thankfully Charles entertained himself while I sat in the cool water. Sam was born healthy, for which we are incredibly thankful. As with Charles, our first 6 months were rough on the amount of sleep but we barely remember that time anyway. Sam's nickname is smiling Sam and it is fitting. He is, without a doubt, the happiest baby I have ever been around. These days you can find him on his 3-wheeled scooter bug races around the house, or laughing hysterically as he tries to bonk your head with his, or throwing a fit when you try to take him out of the swing, or reading every single book he lays his eyes on.
Charles loved being a big brother from day one, enjoying playing, teaching, and generally entertaining Sam. Spencer and I are now realizing that we might have expected just a bit too much of Charles as we notice that Sam is just a month shy of Charles' age when Charles became a big brother. He is something special -- just don't expect him to forget anything you've said or done. Charles loves that he is big enough to get to the park without having to ride in the stroller and usually insists on going down the big slides. His best friend is his 3 year old neighbor, Leo. They'll play trains, chase each other, and sing with each other for as long as we will let them. Often Leslie and I have a train belonging to the other family waiting to exchange the next time. Charles also still loves his school and seems to have made an impression on all the parents that see him at drop-off / pick-up. He stops to ask questions or tell a story about every 2 steps or so. It's testing my patience but I also love watching him learn.
After Sam's arrival, I had to take a good, long, hard look at what we wanted our lives to look like as we pursue entrepreneurship here in Greenville. While I had initially planned on working in a professional capacity from home, it quickly became obvious that I was a bit naive in how to make that happen. So while it was difficult at first, I came to terms with stepping back from anything that looks like a professional role and throw myself into full-time caregiving for Charles and Sam. The shift was mostly a mindset shift but I noticed once I let go of loftier expectations of myself, I was much happier and more content to spend my time filling their cups. Now some days they completely frustrate me (as a 3 and 1 year old would) but for the most part, we are all happier and more fulfilled this way.
Westgate on Wardlaw is progressing nicely now after a long and rainy winter. It didn't seem like we got in a string of 7 days in a row with working weather but the roofs are on, windows are in, and masonry should start this week or next. Obviously a lot of factors at play here, but we are still optimistic about selling all six of them by the end of the Spring. www.westgateonwardlaw.com.
We've moved houses since the last update and are still enjoying getting together in the cul-de-sac with our neighbors and their kids. Most of them are boys around Charles' age so that makes for a fun and growing "bike gang". Our streets are safe enough for them to ride and for us to enjoy a cold beverage with friends. There is also a park barely a 5 minute walk from our front door with 2 playgrounds, some ball fields, tennis courts, and a paved loop so we've been especially grateful for that.

I'd be remiss not to mention that I'm writing this while we are all experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic. It's too soon so know what this will end up being but for now, schools are closed, restaurants are shutting down, and anyone who isn't consider "essential" is being asked to either work from home, or not go to work. Current recommendations are to not gather in groups outside of the people who live in the same space, and certainly not more than 10 people. I am grateful that my boys are still a bit too young to understand and hopeful that Spencer and I can maintain a sense of calm and peace for them and our household. We weren't able to have Charles and Sam baptized as planned and I've been working through that disappointment by remembering to be grateful for the visit we did have and trying to become more reliant on God's control over our lives. I am reminded daily that we are among the fortunate ones.
It's been a long while since our last update, most obviously because Sam was yet to be born in our previous post and in this one he is 18 months old. He is an actual delight.

After Sam's arrival, I had to take a good, long, hard look at what we wanted our lives to look like as we pursue entrepreneurship here in Greenville. While I had initially planned on working in a professional capacity from home, it quickly became obvious that I was a bit naive in how to make that happen. So while it was difficult at first, I came to terms with stepping back from anything that looks like a professional role and throw myself into full-time caregiving for Charles and Sam. The shift was mostly a mindset shift but I noticed once I let go of loftier expectations of myself, I was much happier and more content to spend my time filling their cups. Now some days they completely frustrate me (as a 3 and 1 year old would) but for the most part, we are all happier and more fulfilled this way.
Westgate on Wardlaw is progressing nicely now after a long and rainy winter. It didn't seem like we got in a string of 7 days in a row with working weather but the roofs are on, windows are in, and masonry should start this week or next. Obviously a lot of factors at play here, but we are still optimistic about selling all six of them by the end of the Spring. www.westgateonwardlaw.com.

I'd be remiss not to mention that I'm writing this while we are all experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic. It's too soon so know what this will end up being but for now, schools are closed, restaurants are shutting down, and anyone who isn't consider "essential" is being asked to either work from home, or not go to work. Current recommendations are to not gather in groups outside of the people who live in the same space, and certainly not more than 10 people. I am grateful that my boys are still a bit too young to understand and hopeful that Spencer and I can maintain a sense of calm and peace for them and our household. We weren't able to have Charles and Sam baptized as planned and I've been working through that disappointment by remembering to be grateful for the visit we did have and trying to become more reliant on God's control over our lives. I am reminded daily that we are among the fortunate ones.
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