
Sunday, April 28

Update from Lea

Currently I have John locked in his room because he refuses to nap, and then he is so tired that all he does is hit everyone in the family (mostly me).  So I'm a little frazzled (like a frazzled thing, I'm not sure what that is...a line from John's favorite book).  I'm keeping busy with some Camp Gladiator workouts a few days a week, tennis once a week, I've signed up to be a part of the SAC committee at Lake Silver, which should be interesting at the meeting today given the events of yesterday.

Addy is currently watching too much tv while I wrestle with John, Lucy has quit teeball, and Peter is beginning to be anxious about his gifted testing next week.  Valetines Day was yesterday though and I managed to sneak a few minutes remembering that I do actually love them and I am actually a good mom.  We had sushi take out for valentines day and watch the olympics until about 930pm when I fell asleep.  It's just not the same watching Shaun White on the replay, but hopefully I get to enjoying the Olympics in about 8 years.

I met up with Liz McIntosh from Glen Arden for coffee this morning and we talked about me and Lucy going to mother / daughter camp at the end of the summer so I am looking into that.  It falls on the first weekend of Pensacola so there are some logistics to work out, but nothing new for a family of 6 (which is also nothing new for mom and dad).

This is probably not a great time to write this update, but I'm trying to distract myself from the screaming "mama!" and gagging sounds that are coming from Johns room and torturing myself reading mom blogs that tell you about the psychological harm you are doing to your child by not responding to their needs.  I'm about to use the leftover organic free range chicken i got from the farmers market that no one ate into a chicken pot pie that no one will eat tonight.  Then they'll complain they are hungry when it's time to go to bed.  I think they'll get a good dinner next Tuesday when we will have tacos.  Except for John because he can't have milk, cheese, or beef.  Peter is enjoying baseball and Lucy enjoys eating candy and playing with her friends on the sidelines, we are going to find her a painting class and see how she likes that.

hmm.  i think that is all for the last 2 days, i'll try to keep you posted on the events here.  Currently Lucy sleeps in a nest (literally) on the floor because she took a plant of mine and spilled the moss / dirt all over the floor which i haven't cleaned up yet because the vacuum broke and I only get my house cleaned every other month on Thursdays and the spill happened last weekend.  Only one more week to wait.

love lea

speaking of tired, i think i've corrected no less than 5 spelling mistakes and I imagine there are more in here, but I'm just pressing send and I'll notice them later!

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