
Tuesday, March 5

Maybe I'll Get Better at Updating...

I'm tired.  I suppose we all are.  We dreamt up this blog before everyone was on Instagram catching glimpses of each other and videos of the shenanigans on there.  But I was going through a bunch of printed pictures yesterday and realized how much I enjoy going through old photo books remembering adventures and laughing about how many times the boat ran aground ;) . (I kid, Dad, I kid.)

These days, Brendan and I are headed to 12 years of marriage.  The usual update would be to include a new baby, but I'll let Taylor handle that part, as we are filled up with our four. 

Peter is in 3rd grade at Lake Silver and loves school as usual.  He plays soccer, baseball, is a part of the chess club and is looking forward to his 3rd summer at Rockmont.  He and John share a room and are in bunkbeds...though Peter has made John sleep in the top because he is too claustrophobic up there.  He is mostly a good big brother...his relationship with Lucy reminds me of Bale and Taylor EVERY SINGLE DAY.  I'm reminding him often that the way he treats his siblings will play a big part in whether or not they want to stay awake and play Ticket to Ride when they are 37.

Lucy is in 1st grade at Lake Silver and everyone there describes her as a friend to everyone.  Seriously, this girl has never met a stranger and I will never judge parents who keep their kids on a leash.  She listens to a lot of Disney star Jojo Sewa ( I'm sure I didn't spell that right, but in the interest of focusing on the task at hand I'm ignoring it), she's loving soccer, or at least the friend part of it, is still addicted to candy and starts planning her birthday party on Dec. 27th...right after we have celebrated Addy.

Addy girl is in pre-k at Saint Michaels.  She and Lucy will start gymnastics soon and Addy will playsoccer.  She's athletic and is always riding her bike doing crazy stunts, falling, and then she pops up and says "I'm ok!"  She still loves Paw Patrol, and being home with me.  She has a major pout face and might challenge Peter for the most stubborn in the family.  She has a great sense of humor though and her sayings are always making us laugh!  Her life dream is finally owning a dog of her own.

John goes to school 4 days a week, which I would've never considered with Peter...but he just doesn't want to be home without his siblings!  He is 3 now and the life of the party....he loves trains, airplanes, and wants to fly a helicopter like Uncle Bale when he grows up.  John talks always about the beach, how much Addy wants a dog, and asks if he can watch Wheels on the Bus.

I can't believe we've been in the Mercedes house for about 6 years now.  As I said, we've recently been watching old videos and looking at old pictures and it's so cliche to say how fast time flies, but it certainly does!

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