Around Mother's Day, when I look at my kids, what I really want to know is, will they think of me as well as I think of my mom these days? Am I as good to them as she is to me? Will my little tribe be as close and as committed to each other as the one I grew up in? How did she get us all dressed and out the door with shoes on?? The shoes...I can never get the shoes on. How did she do it? How does she continue to do it? And what in the world did I do to get such an incredible woman for a mother, and more importantly, the worlds best Yay Yay! Seriously. Does anyone love their mom any more than when watching her with your kids? My little people think my mom is the JAM. And she is! Her world is their own private preschool, where lately they have been learning about monarch butterflies, gardening, & any kind of science experiement that comes along the way. Like bridge, Peter wants to learn Bridge from Yay Yay.
So, to say thanks to my mom..I'm doing what she asked me to do. I'm blogging, and writing a birthday letter to her that was due in November.
This Mother's Day I'm expecting baby Loflin #4, which feels crazy to me. Brendan and I always imagined having a big family, but I'd totally be lieing if I acted like I wasn't a little bit overwhelmed and freaked out about things. One of my favorite things to say (besides..."he's parenting" when people ask me if Brendan is babysitting the kids) is, it's a good thing you don't birth a 2 year old! And you get almost 10 full months to wrap your head around another tiny human coming into your house. In about a month, I'm 16 weeks now, we'll find out if we are going to have a girl or a boy and then I'll get moving on clearing out old kids clothes. We'll move Lucy into Addy's room and work on teaching her to use the bathroom at night to get her out of pull-ups. I'll get the baby stuff back out of storage and pare down again. Baby #4 will be well cared for, and loved, but will be short on the newest, fanciest baby things. Unless said baby is a crazy person and then we'll go all out and do anything to get some sleep around here. Peter and Lucy broke the news to everyone they saw when I was less than 8 weeks pregnant so it's old news. I love how excited they are about their new sibling, Peter says that he and Addy will stick together and Lucy can have the new baby. Unless the baby is a boy and then Peter will take care of the baby, but under no circumstances will Peter and Lucy be together. This is hilarious to me, because as our oldest two...they'll be hanging out a lot!
Anyway, I'm due at the end of October. I'm sure I'll enjoy the Florida heat this summer and plan on being in the pool as much as possible, not that lounging in the pool is an option, I'm sure I'll be required to tow little people around most of the time...but it beats the heat!
A few weeks ago we had a good little girls weekend up in NYC to visit Taylor and Spencer and relax for a little bit. You know things are hectic when you are going to New York to chill out. It really was just what we all needed, their apartment is incredible and felt like staying in a fancy hotel, but with a full service kitchen :) We were not your usual New York tourists and spent a good amount of time on the couch in our perfect. I loved seeing T out navigating the world of crazy..she seemed like such a pro, but I know she was exhausted at the end of the day! It's draining to "fake it till you make it!" I feel like I am doing that most days in my parenting life - but we do seem to be making it.
Peter man will be wrapping up his preschool years pretty soon and you know what, he is prepared for Kindergarten. I know there will be (my) tears in August watching my boy head off to Lake Silver, my elementary alma mater, but I'm also excited for us in this new stage. Don't get me wrong, I love the babies, but I also really enjoy having conversations with these little people. I've learned to embrace his later bedtime and we read extra books or talk or play in the yard later and I really really enjoy his company these days. Peter and Lucy are actually really funny, curious, and kind. So sometimes, I think, we must be doing something right around here. And then P yells out "what the Shell!??" and I realize I've been letting him watch too much of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, we'll need to dial that one back a little bit. He credits his good math scores to the numbers show he has been watching during "rest time" and I'll take it!
Lucy loo is rapidly becoming the 2nd oldest - as she should - she's growing like a weed and weighs abour 15 pounds (seriously, I think Addy weighs more than Lucy by a lot). Like Peter, she adores her school and her teachers (who I am thrilled I have fall babies so I can have the same teachers for my 2 year olds!) After their teacher conferences I am always amazed at how different these two little beings can be. They are opposites in nearly every way. Dear Lucy can't catch a ball or stand on one foot, but she'll be the first to share in circle time or go to comfort a friend. She's going to be a sweet little helper as she loves playing "mommy" at school. Lately "school" is her favorite game and she carries her Elmo backpack with her wherever she goes, it's full of snacks that no one is ever allowed to eat, my little pony, her lunch box and whatever else she finds around the house. This girl is always ready for anything and is a good sport about life, except bedtime.
My sweet Addy girl is just as sweet as ever, though she spent the last few weeks getting in some pretty major teeth so she has lived on squeeze packs and pretzel rods. She is always smiling and greets all of her loved ones with a mouth wide open and tells them goodbye with a big wet snotty kiss. Like all of my kids, she loves yay yay the most, which I suppose is how things should be. I don't mind often though that she cries a little when I leave her with someone else. Addy loves water, she climbs in the bathtub with P and L and is desperate to swim. Some of my favorite activies to watch are Peter pushing Addy around the pool in her float. She screams with laughter and Peter grins with pride as they make their laps around the pool. Addy will hopefully keep her sweet disposition when new baby comes, she won't quite be 2 so I'm hopeful that after a few months she'll really have no memory of when she was the baby around the house!
I love these tiny humans more than I could have ever imagined. And I love them so differently - equal amounts - but so differently. They each have such unique qualities about them that I know comes only from above - whenever I question my faith or wonder where God is, a quick look at the goldfish in the couch, toilet paper on the floor, play doh on the shoes (why are they wearing shoes while stepping on play doh!??), reminds me He is here, in all the mess and we're going to "fake it till we make it."
Happy Mother's Day mom / yay yay! Your shoes are impossible to fill...and so it's helpful again for me to realize that as unique as God has made my kids, he made me unique too. So I don't look to fill my moms shoes, but my own, and I look forward to all of our walks together. Thanks for everything you say, do, write & pray, and for teaching me how to be a mom. (Like reading to my boy...sometimes.)
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