We're having another girl! I've been waiting for one of my siblings to blog about some of our summer happenings...but that isn't happening and I just would hate it for adorable little addy to read our archives and think, what am i? nothing to you? no blog mention!? only halfway kidding. But readers! We're having a girl! And she has a name! If you know us at all, you know this is a miracle :) AEL is scheduled to be joining us in early January. Some people have said that since this is our third baby she'll be a December child....to which I say - please don't tease me. She'll probably be born in February. She's a healthy, long-legged little angel addy.
We're looking forward to meeting her and are now engaged in rearranging our house every weekend to figure out where all of our little people are going to go. It's mostly fun and sometimes stressful with P and L running around asking questions, pinching, biting, laughing....today they discovered a pumpkin costume from when P was ONE. They both wanted to try it on and have decided that L will be the pumpkin for halloween this year. Works for me. Our babies are not awesome sleepers so the plan is to start little addy off in P's current room (she won't demand the door to be left opened and the lights on quite yet) since it is the farthest from the noise center of the house. This involves moving P...convincing him that the room he is moving to is just for special 4 year olds and he'll get to move in for his birthday.
Also, P has started pre-school again - this year he is a three day three and let me tell you, 3 days is definitely more than 2. We miss him when he is gone, BUT he loves it and it's nice for me and L to get some alone time...she's beginning to notice that she is rarely without P. :) We all love where P is in school...the other day in the car he asked me "Mommy, did God use paint to make the world? Did God build all of these houses?" And when he finally came home with a hat depicting the 7 days it took for God to make the world I finally understood the song he has been mumbling all week.
"Mommy, did you know that God made the world in 7 days? Is that amazing??" YOU are amazing sweet boy.
Our baby girl is having to wear an eye patch for a couple hours a day to help correct some eye muscles. I literally laughed out loud when the eye doctor told me she was also slightly nearsighted and asked if it ran in the family. I am SHOCKED that P is not in glasses yet and it seems certain that L will be in the near future. That will be an awesome experiment since we have to wrestle her for the eye patch and it comes off after 10 minutes. It sure is a good thing L is so cute and has such a hilarious personality...monkey see monkey do with her brother. She turns 2 on Monday and is getting her very own strider bike (don't worry, she doesn't read the blog yet). She's always desperate to ride P's bike and a fight usually ensues so hopefully she'll take to her strider quickly and they'll both be off a running. Hope so, since it won't be quite that easy for me to bend down and help her for hours....you're on your own kid! I can't believe she'll be two...my baby. We're headed to Disney World next weekend to celebrate thanks to Aunt T snagging several tickets just in time to repeat P's 2nd birthday at the magic kingdom. Yay Yay is coming to...so they're will be lots of pictures. In the meantime, again, hopefully someone will update you all on our Summer OctOlympics held in Pensacola Beach this year in honor of our Grandmother. Good times, great games, crazy fun family.
And YOU, k80roberts....YOU'RE UP.
Our findings from storage - halloween costumes & winter coats |
P & the creation story |
Saturday trip to Home Depot in search of closet systems |
My girl and her ladybug eyepatch |
P's classroom - he loves that helicopter thanks to uncle bale |
Helping to make his new school bag |
Oh c'mon! My very own blog shout out?! The pressure is ON. And how am I suppose to follow a blog update as awesome as this one? Hmm, ok, Roberts blog update before AEL gets her birth announcement blog post... Deal? Deal. (PS. I remember P wearing that pumpkin costume for real at the Cape playground~ Where is the time going?!)