I know it's been quite a while since my last post, and I don't really have an excuse for the long delay. Well, sort of. Over the last month I've been looking forward to, slash, really nervous about a potentially big meeting. So, I didn't post anything because I wouldn't have any news between the time of getting the meeting and when it actually came.
Well, today, it came.
We're talking a top 5 commercial agency. I was actually probably more nervous when I first found out about the meeting, but I was plenty nervous the day of as well. The meeting was at 3, so that gave me plenty of time to think/panic about what was going to happen. And, I was pretty paranoid about being late, so I planned to leave about an hour before I needed to.
I ran over everything he could possibly ask and how I would (attempt to) answer it. I obsessed about what I would wear. I needed to look good. And commercial. And like me. And, good. But not too good, because, I needed to look like me. I spent more time than ever trying to get my hair right. Then I wanted to punch myself in the face for thinking that mattered. But not till I got it right.
I checked to make sure I had my headshot in my bag. A bag that I only had to carry my headshot, a single piece of paper. Well, two pieces of paper stapled together. Still, a bag was not needed. I took my bag.
Their office is fairly close, and I knew where it was, but I google mapped it anyway. I looked at the possible routes. Checked traffic, even though I was leaving so early it wouldn't really matter. But I didn't want to be stressing in the car. Or sweating. Air conditioner was on full blast. Hollywood Blvd was closed. Did not see that coming. No need to panic, I'll just go down to Sunset, that's the road the office is on anyway.
Where am I going to park? I arrive at the office. Drive past it. Do a U-turn. Spot right in front. That has to be a good sign, right? Go upstairs and sign in. I'm 30 minutes early. Thankfully they have a plethora of magazines to choose from. I also had a book in my bag, but I probably wasn't going to remember anything I read anyway, so magazine it was. Ended up reading a nice article on Adam Yauch (aka MCA) from the Beastie Boys. It was long, and I actually wanted to read it, so that killed a good portion of time.
Agent M comes out to get me. We say "hello, nice to see you again" (I had met him a few times already), and he walks me back to his office. We exchange with some niceties, etc and I went in to how I was watching the US Open. That led to a discussion about Tiger, and the mental game. I don't remember exactly what came next, but he ended up asking what my current representation situation was. I don't have any. Talked about my picture. I probably need new ones. He looked at my résumé and asked about the telecomm degree and how long it takes for that to become obsolete. I wasn't sure how to answer. It ended up just being an innocent question about the industry that lead to a discussion about my time at the Golf Channel.
We talked about the agency briefly and how many people they have, and how they have a smaller number of clients, on purpose. He then told me he would talk to his two other agents and they would make a decision together.
The whole meeting lasted about twelve minutes.
I have no idea how it went.
But, I was in the room, and that's a start.
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