Three members of the coastal bs team (and the only ones who have blogged more than twice) spent some QT together down in the sunshine state for Thanksgiving. You can expect some hilarious stories to come out of that time just as soon as we all gather our wits, dust the travel germs off, and get just a tiny bit more rest.
It's 5:30pm PST and I am thinking about putting on my soft clothes and jumping in bed with a book and some hot chocolate. Who am I kidding? Way too tired to even do some light reading. Words with Friends competitors, now is the time to take advantage.
A preview -
After BML went back to northern environs to tend to classes and work, I decided to be an awesome sister and wake up early to play with p while his mom went back to bed. Little l messed with that plan a bit, but p and I were still up playing at 6:30am. Grand dad made pancakes, he popped Elmo, p & I played with the dogs, (I stepped in dog mess), p played Angry Birds, I pretended Burds was broken, p goes up the stairs, p came down the stairs, in the sand, in the swing, please not the pool again, I vacuumed dog hair, I put away toys, p got out new toys, I stubbed toe on high chair, and then we threw ourselves on the bed. I looked at the clock. Not even 10am yet.

It was a fabulous week. Obviously there were stressful moments, but we're getting pretty good at counting our blessings. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and wish you all the Health and Happiness you deserve (and maybe some you don't) this Christmas season.
It's 5:30pm PST and I am thinking about putting on my soft clothes and jumping in bed with a book and some hot chocolate. Who am I kidding? Way too tired to even do some light reading. Words with Friends competitors, now is the time to take advantage.
It's freezing. We couldn't keep him out. |
After BML went back to northern environs to tend to classes and work, I decided to be an awesome sister and wake up early to play with p while his mom went back to bed. Little l messed with that plan a bit, but p and I were still up playing at 6:30am. Grand dad made pancakes, he popped Elmo, p & I played with the dogs, (I stepped in dog mess), p played Angry Birds, I pretended Burds was broken, p goes up the stairs, p came down the stairs, in the sand, in the swing, please not the pool again, I vacuumed dog hair, I put away toys, p got out new toys, I stubbed toe on high chair, and then we threw ourselves on the bed. I looked at the clock. Not even 10am yet.
It was a fabulous week. Obviously there were stressful moments, but we're getting pretty good at counting our blessings. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and wish you all the Health and Happiness you deserve (and maybe some you don't) this Christmas season.
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