I'm blogging! At 10 am! How is this possible? A baby swing and an iphone. BML and I are new to the iphone world, we didn't know what we were missing! LTD gave me an itunes gift card for my birthday and one of the first things I spent it one was toddler apps since yay yay! already introduced them to sweet p during her visit. He is now perched on the couch in "Fish School" learning his letters. And sweet l girl is quietly napping in her swing. AND! Thanks to FTD my house smells delicious with a concoction of cinnamon and vanilla simmering on the stove. (check out this link) I have even brushed my teeth this morning, and last night I read a book! Only 10 pages, but a book! Oh quiet time...it's good to see you again.
Yesterday was a completely different story. We headed to Whole Foods to grab something to eat as our refrigerator was completely bare. Completely. And Whole Foods has a parking garage under the store so its easier to maneuver both kiddos in and out. Except that P refused to ride in the cart, so I let him walk provided he stay by my side the whole time. It was an experiment, and he did pretty well! We played I spy with all of the items on my list. "Where are the bananas, P?" and he ran to the bananas, I picked them up and he put them in the cart. We had a little trouble with the eggs, but we managed to make out with them all intact. We stopped at the pizza spot for some quick lunch - I picked P up to check out the slices and he promptly let our a huge sneeze and splattered the glass with snot. sick. the snot, and P. oops.
Like I mentioned last time, I spend a good amount of time at night on pintrest.com while nursing L. Sometimes I spent too much time in the food section and pin all things delicious and bad for you. But as you all know if you have been following, P loves to help bake, so it's a good activity. But not good for dropping the baby lbs, especially since I am not doing a lot of exercising lately. I did about 20 minutes of yoga a few days ago and my body is still yelling at me. Anyway, a couple of days ago I found this http://playathomemom3.blogspot.com/ with all kinds of activities and I thought, we could do that stuff, no problem. It overwhelms me though with all the set up and I never have everything you need and I'm not great and knowing what I can substitute so we did the old vinegar & baking soda experiment. Success! We played with the eyedropper making volcano's for 45 minutes while L was sleeping. I managed a couple pictures...
This last picture is us making FTD some art since she has requested some via twitter. P is making his way toward L sleeping in her swing so I'm signing off...here he comes! What a lovely 15 minutes...
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