
Sunday, October 23


i have decided to not blog in that centering form anymore.  i saw it somewhere else on someone else's blog and it seemed clever and so i copied.  but it's not me really.  i like to write without capitalizing ( i don't know why) and most of the time i write in run on sentences and so it got hard to decide where and when to hit the return key.  plus i am sure this person i stole it from was writing in iambic pentameter or something like that and well, i hit my writing peak in 11th grade with Ms. Parrish (a much deserved capitalization right (write) there).  i'm pretty sure i can safely say all of us brothers and sisters learned our best stuff in the 11th grade.  then we went on to enginerding - except CMD who pretty much went 180 degrees away from nerdom.  into his own kind of acting nerdom.  and there (and here) is a sentence fragment.

at any rate, i know you all come here for pictures and stories of the babies.  truly, sometimes i wish i had more to post about than babies.  the little ones take up all of my time though, and so about them i write.  there are lots of stories it seems, but i can't remember any of them.  so i'm just going to post some pictures and hopefully tell you about those events.

sweet p is getting used to little l being around.  he likes to give her the paci when she cries (did i already post that?) and lately he has been trying to share his toys.  thankfully he has learned, mostly, not to throw them and tries to gently place them in her hand.  he gets frustrated when she won't grab them so he rests them on her belly.  one of p's favorite games before l was for me to balance his animals on his belly, given the size of that thing, it was no small feat.  he decided to pass this game on down to little l, with dads help.

sweet p LOVES animals.  and loves to match his animals to the ones he sees in books and on tv.  so we took him to a fall festival to kick the pumpkins around (ball!!!  ouch.) and see the animals.  he clung to my leg the entire time, except when he was reaching up for the hand sanitizer which he found more appealing than the huge pig, sheep, and the hoards of kids and their obnoxious picturing taking parents shoving him out of the way.  how we managed a picture i just don't know, we certainly aren't those types of parents :) .

then we took a little family trip to the park under the naval academy bridge ( i forget the name...).  it was pretty chilly, but not terrible.  the water was cold.  it did not stop sweet p from immediately throwing his ball in the water and then charging after it.  i, of course, had to accompany him.  so we rolled up our pants and trudged in.  obviously i did not have extra diapers or clothes, duh.

little l got her first bath...oops, it only took us until her one month birthday to get this task completed.   and her brother assisted in lotioning (a favorite activity of his) and changing a diaper.  yuck - his words exactly.

(isn't she beautiful??)

lets see...we are also trying to get back into the routine of sending RBDIII a package a week, including some homemade baked goods.  p has started to participate and only recently discovered that cookie dough tastes delicious!  uncle RBDIII - eat with caution!

other adventures include...swiffering, searching for bugs ( a new word - bu! bu! bu!) with dad, and taking a quick rest in little l's sleeping basket.  complete with her hat, on his head...placed by him and him alone.  he thought he was hilarious.

this mostly gets us all caught up until about now - there are more pictures on phones and cameras of our fall adventures, but that will have to wait until another post.  BML spent the day yesterday at Gettysburg and so now we are watching the movie until we pass out from exhaustion.  yay yay! is here for a visit so there is lots of fun going on, adventures we are having etc.  we're also beginning the moving stages so if you know of anyone moving to Annapolis by Jan. 1 who needs a townhouse - we know some people!

hopefully we'll be back sooner rather than later.  until then, FTD should have something for you.  and really, since FTD and CMD get all the writing compliments around here, they should do some more posting with all of their free time.  :)  

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