You guys. Are you still here? I know my mom is, but anyone else?? I haven't posted an update since MARCH. Do you have any idea the things that have happened around here since March?? I don't either - I have misplaced my calendar. I'm not sure how to blog without it. Seriously. That really is a small picture of how things have gone for me being a family of 5...lots of forgetting things. Time moving agonizingly slow and at warp speed all at the same time. (It's such a cliche, I know, but so applicable).
I'll just jump right is a recent picture of my newborn, Addy girl.

I know, she sure is big to be so young! JK. Homegirl is 8 months old. Which I can remember easily since she was born in December she is as many months as we are months in the year. Sweet baby is sitting up, threatening to crawl and currently drooling up a storm but with no success on the tooth department yet. I wish I has documented that sitting up milestone, but she sort of did it without me noticing :) Sort of like how she started demanding some real food - she was sleeping ok for a while and then all of a sudden she was up and eating ALL THE TIME. Oh, you are 5 months old , maybe you would like some real food? Now she eats tons and sleeps through the night. hahahahaha. A child of mine sleeping?? it can't be! and it's not. She is still up at least once to say hello to me. I try not to mind since it can be a precious time of just me and her as long as I make myself have a good attitude about it. Which, isn't that hard as long as P doesn't get up 5 times a night to use the bathroom & need to be tucked in and L goes nicely to sleep without me having to lock her in there. Hahahahaha again. Who wants to come have a spend the night party??!
Onward. I do try to organize my pictures once a month so I can try to keep up and my kids think i was a good mom 30 years from now when they look through their baby books that I will start working on maybe when they hit the 5th grade. (Mom, HOW DID YOU DO IT???) So lets go back about 5 months and I'll update you through pictures.
Little Lucy loo loves her sister. Loves. You know, the kind that can be a little rough and hurt sometimes? It's like that. Lucy thinks Addy is a real live baby doll (obviously, she is) and wants to be her mommy. She imitates everything I do. Everything. It's not always safe, and is more often embarrassing.
We are big fans of the strawberry festival around here! I really can't believe all the things we have done since I last blogged...It's a really fun fair and you get to mingle with all central floridians - an eye opening experience. I wish I had a video of the pig races, the kids think those are hysterical, probably because they are. But they also really love any carousal ride & anything having to do with trains. So here they are, in hog heaven. :) :)
Adorable Addy. 3 months old.
Believe it or not, this little photo shoot was pretty impromptu. I wanted to try this bubble on Addy so that she wouldn't outgrow it before she had a chance to wear it ( I have a history of letting those things happen.) Little Lucy recognized that she had a similiar dress and wanted to match. So I started taking their picture and P decided he wanted in. We were headed to church (miracle!) and so I told him he had to get dressed before I would take his picture. So off he went! Then I made Aunt T take a family photo. I'd attach more of them here because they are so entertaining to me, but they probably won't be for you. Its pretty typical family photo shoot stuff.
And now it's dentist check up time! Which reminds me, I need to schedule our next cleaning! That's really terrible blogging when you can get to the dentist twice before blogging twice. Priorities! This is Jamie. We love her. We love our new dentist even more. Y'all go see Dr. C. Gordy - she's the worlds best!!!
So, she's 4 months old and she has probably had about that many baths.
Baby girls love their daddies! And I think these two look alike in this picture. I wanted to make sure the great BML made an appearance in the pictures, that's a work in progress, to get more pictures of the two of us with the kids - but have y'all ever turned your phone camera around on yourself?? sheesh. it is not pretty. Who lets me out of the house??!!

Lastly, my favorite even of April (besides celebrating my own wedding anniversary, duh. Actually, I take that back, this was more fun.) Family friends weddings!! These are the absolute best. Sunsets, boat rides, life long friends, wedding celebrations -- always a good time with the BCD crew. AEB got married to an awesome dude & we loved celebrating with her! I'm telling you, its weird but nice when your friends grow up to be dentists & far I always have someone to call when I have a health emergency. (and by that I mean a rogue wisdom tooth I needed to have extracted by my former next door neighbor, soccer star, sorority sister, eek!) and whenever my kids do something ridiculous, like swallow a button cell battery for instance, Nurse Aunt Honey to the rescue!
I hope this video works. She loves giving me chalk pedicures.
I debated putting this one up on the world wide web. But to be honest, I really don't think all that many people read it, and I wanted to document what a brave little girl we have on our hands! Sweet Lucy had a little corrective eye surgery in May and was a total champ. It was the Friday before Mothers Day and so we spent the morning at the eye surgery center just hanging out waiting for it to be Lucys turn. I snapped this gem after she was given a delicious little drink that was probably the equivalent of her drinking a bourbon. :) She was in and out in no time flat and we all recovered nicely. Except for me, I had a breakdown when I got home to discover my homemade Mothers Day presents by my preschooler...he made sure to comment on the fact that I did not pick him up from school so I couldn't get my presents then! Oh these kids, love them.

These two are starting to play together more often, which means they also fight more often. But they are used to the other being around and sometimes they entertain themselves...
Happy Memorial Day! Was Memorial Day in May?? Did I organize correctly??
My first food...avocado. Because that is what was in the house. #thirdkid
Look at how together we are! Addy was baptized! It only took us 6 months to do it - but she was baptized at a special 5pm service on Pentecost, the same as Lucy 2 years earlier. We really shouldn't even have this photo since there are no pictures allowed during the service...but we forgot to tell one of our awesome family friends and she snapped this one for us. I'm not surprised, and I'm even a little bit thankful :) This feast day generally occurs around BML's birthday so we celebrated with sno cones, cake, and a pool party. It's pretty much what we do.
Summer!!! I just love this picture with some old good friends. Pool days and ice cream. I think Lucy has always wanted to have a big sister, and she has two! :)
Adorable Addy in her baptism dress (though not on her baptism day because I forgot to take a she wore this dress every Sunday until we finally got a good one.)
This is my sweet, precious Lucy girl. Who on this occasion told me she was going to go to her yay yay's house, back her babies in her elmo bag and made her way down the driveway. Obviously I asked if she knew the way "yep!" "bye mommy!" I watched in surprise as she tore down the driveway and toward the busy street (known to us as the "fast way" but definitely not the "safe way". I yelled at her to stop...she rode faster, STOP! faster...I sprint down the road with P and A still in the house to pick up a screaming lucy and her bike and carried her all the way back home. I love this little one - really, I do!
Family picture! Lucy thinks Addy is her baby doll, Peter is trying to protect her...kind of.
6 months!
I'm still here, typing an aside, I have been working on this post all day. It should be a lesson to me. 10 minutes every couple of weeks...or hours and hours and hours if I wait this long again! July was a busy busy month for us! The main event, Bethany Beach, DE!!! We went up to DE for a family beach trip and it was incredible! BML and I were pretty proud of ourselves for getting 3 carseats, 3 suitcases & 3 babies on to the plane, collect bags, grab car, and head off to Annapolis for the night! The babies were all wonderfully behaved except as we were collecting bags Addy went to the bathroom & apparently her diaper just had had enough - so I walked through the airport looking like I wet my pants. NBD in the grand scheme of things. We head to Annapolis to stay with some old friends for the night, we were so excited to get to visit with them and show Peter & Lucy where they were born! We went around city dock, randomly ran into a great friend of mine while living there so we had ice cream and played in the park...the kids were exhausted by the end of the day so BML and I took turns bathing them and getting them ready for bed. I head to the car to get their pjs and extra diapers for addy....imagine my surprise when I opened the kids bag to discover it half full of dirty clothes and a soccer ball. Definitely not our bag. Not our bag at all. :/ Just a minor hiccup. Not to worry though, it all straightened out and after a 10pm trip back to BWI we made it. And we still weren't yelling at each other.

BWI! Peter packed his own bag...and insisted on bringing his sleeping bag, so he would have a place to sleep. Thanks to Aunt T for securing the bag to the suitcase!
This tiny little house on shiley street is where we brought sweet Peter home. And that tiny tree in front was planted when he was born....and apparently it has not grown since! we keep saying if our landlady was nicer and there was a porch on the back we would have stayed with Lucy too - but then we would have never met the Manifolds and so considering I still text Heather about the babies to this day, we would have surely missed out on some awesome friends!
We made it to the beach! Everyone is excited :)
And now some pics from mom of the year (thats me) I took P and L to the science center to see Curious George. They have been begging to go, since we have passes I generally take them at 4pm, it closes at 5pm and the intercom usually tells them when they have to leave! No tantrums! Its awesome.
And lastly...Addy and Aunt T are wedding planning....
As soon as we get home from Bethany Beach, Peter starts a golf, tennis & swimming camp. This kid has had a busy summer! He was a ninja turtle for the talent show on the last day. He was excellent. :)
I'm almost finished!!!!
Not much going on here...just a quick trip to the ER after Peter tells me a very detailed story about how he swallowed a tiny battery during rest time. yikes! my favorite part was that he was watching The Magic School Bus with Mrs Frizzle on Netfliz and so told the doctors he knew all about how the battery would get out of his system. This was just a few days before we are about to be out of town for 10 days to Pensacola Beach. I also love that he wasn't scared a bit because The Little Mermaid was on TV and his friend Henley's Daddy worked there so everything would be fine! It was and is. But not before some days of checking toilets...lots of that.
Loving on Addy in her crib. They love to give her all of the stuffed animals so we have to have lessons on making space for her face! The rule is you have to be able to see her whole face at all times!!
Pensacola Beach. Paradise. After a looooooooong 9 hour drive. But this is how Peter fell in love with the ninja turtles.
Peg Leg Pete's with the extended family to celebrate Grandmothers birthday. Bushwhackers.
And finally....SCHOOL!!! Worlds worst mom forgot to get pictures of Lucy on meet the teacher day, and begged this one of Peter from another mom and friend in the class. Lucy is SO excited she gets to go to school with Peter & I am so excited too!!! They have incredible teachers, and we are excited to be back!
And Peter started soccer...with his daddy as the coach and lots of school friends on the team. He is excited to wear his Bosnian soccer jersey - but it is HOT out there! I'm thankful Brendan is the coach so that Addy and I can stay cool in the house while P, L, and B kick the ball around until they near pass out from heat exhaustion.
He loves her.
She loves him.
She is excited for they are in school. :)
Happy Labor Day friends! Happy September!! Happy Football season! We had a great summer! Hopefully I'll be back in a few short weeks to document my middle baby's 3rd birthday!!!