
Monday, January 27

Winter Writings

I've been hemming and hawing on what to write for my update, considering it has been so long.  I'm not really sure I've fully decided, so if I jump around a little, you were warned. Maybe it'll be just right.
Anyway, things at Tapiture are going well.  We are in the process of closing our latest round of investors which includes some names you would all know.  In addition to adding more money, we'll be adding more bodies.  It is a bit weird to have an office that is bursting at the seems, when at one point, we were a team of four. They all bring some expertise that we most certainly need to get to the next level and bring the rest of the world into the tapisphere, but I must say, there are definitely times I miss all being able to fit at one table.

I have finally transitioned out of having to answer every soul crushing email from customers and users and am now managing a small team of representatives who now have to deal with the crazies.  Well, not all people who write in are crazies, in fact, a lot of them are nice, but the few who are awful, are really awful.  In addition to that, I am back into the editorial world leading a team of editors whose job it is to keep the content flowing and to find the best of the best.  I also am still involved with the operations side of things as the Operations Manager.  That's my title, but I feel more like Kordell Stewart.  His nickname is "Slash", if you didn't catch the reference.  

This doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I sold my car a while ago.  I am strictly a pedestrian now, which is interesting, but becoming easier and easier. One drawback to not having a car is that it makes it exponentially harder to get to the golf course.  I miss playing desperately so I am going to really start making an effort to get back out there.  

Back to work for a moment.  The best thing about the experience to this point is the amount I am learning about the internet/entertainment space as well as business.  I have learned more in this year+ than I have in the rest of my working years, and probably schooling as well.  Hopefully I will be able to take all of this knowledge and apply it to the next big thing after Tapiture.  

I wouldn't say that is a make-it or break-it year for us, but I do believe this is the year that everyone will hear about us.  Big things happening without a doubt. 

My friend Eddie and I are working hard to bring back some of the culture that was lost when theCHIVE moved to Austin, and will be throwing a Super Bowl party.  I am hoping we can get the fun-loving-who-knows-what-will-happen-next atmosphere running rampant again in and around the office.  Some of the engineers are probably less than excited about that, but hey, we gotta have fun, right?

While everything is going great, I am disappointed about a particular piece of information, which I can't share, but it has been on my mind this last week.  I've had a number of different thoughts about it and I think I've landed on my own solution.  There are going to be times when things don't go exactly how you would want them to, and sometimes there is nothing you can do to change that.  However, the one thing you can control is giving everything you have and strive daily to get better. Maybe there won't be immediate results from your efforts, but the things that you learn both about what you're doing and about yourself will without a doubt better prepare you to be a force down the road. You can't always get what you want. But, if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need.  Someone said/sang that once before.  

That was sort of an emo paragraph and it may seem out of place, but it's as important as anything else that has happened to me recently.  

I'd like to reiterate that everything is really actually going great, so don't freak out or anything.  I am very much looking forward to what is to come in the next few months, and I believe it will probably inspire more frequent posts.  So really, everyone wins.

Also, I am very much looking forward to Parts 2 and 3 of LDL's posts.

Tappin out, for now. 

Friday, January 17

Not much happening here...a 3 part series. Part 1.

Oh man, where oh where to begin??  Halloween?  We were spider-man & a pumpkin.  The preschool fundraising Fun Fair?  It was a huge success.  My birthday? I turned 32 & celebrated belatedly with my womb buddy (who was traveling in Columbia the day of..tough life) with the Avett Brothers - it was awesome.  P man's 4th birthday?  Yep.

I'm going to be a little longer winded here, even though there is wonderful, awesome, incredible miracles to share.  My precious boy deserves his own birthday blog post.  Sweet P turned 4 this past November and was adamant that he have a camping / fire party.  And so we did.  I admittedly was pretty impressed with my party throwing it was a boys camping party so it was pretty easy.  P has definite opinions of who he wants to invite (just boys and their dads...oh, and one girl who he loves and wants to do everything with.)  P and his daddy spent weeks collecting firewood, while P and I shopped for hot dogs, supplies for s'mores, headlamps as party favors, bug juice etc.  P made his own "welcome to my party" sign from cardboard and left over tissue paper.  I must say...we impressed ourselves.  So our 4 friends (because he is 4) and their dads showed up at 530pm for our campfire and entertained themselves running around with their headlamps for a solid hour and a half. The s'more roasting was mostly a hit - the dads found themselves more involved but mostly they chatted and drank the adult bug juice while the boys (and one girl) ran around like crazies hunting bugs, & hiding in the tent.  P had a great time, we all had a great time.  Pictures...

Here is P opening up a gift from his grandma...a NC State wolf pack t-shirt.  The kids are hilarious making the wolf sounds and hand motions, they have many many teams to root for!  Our birthday decorations are essentially the same every year and for everyone...makes the set up awfully easy!  Saved happy birthday banners go on the back wall, we blow up as many balloons as came in the balloon bag and throw them around the room, and occasionally tie a ballon or two to their chairs.  P got rainbow sprinkle pancakes for breakfast and then was off to school for the morning! I'm pretty sure he even wore his happy birthday hat - he was excited to finally be 4 - especially since now that meant that he could bring 4 things to school when it was his turn to have the sharing bag.
He is decorating his birthday cake.  The signature Dalton chocolate sheet cake..( I said SHEET cake.)

Peter and Daddy get the fire ready for his friends.

P wouldn't stand next to his sign that he spent a few days making...Camp Peter.  But I was pretty proud of us so I am posting this picture anyway. Only 5 weeks away from baby Addy!

The bug Juice was a big hit..along with the glowstick necklaces & bracelets.

Granddad and P make their hot dogs.

The Dads stop paying attention to the party goers & chat and roast hot dogs :/ :/

Friends play in the tent.

I think Lucy may have had a least 3 s'mores.

And finally the birthday boy blows out his candles.  I was a little surprised he actually participated in this event!

I'd say SUCCESS!  And now, on to Thanksgiving...I don't even remember that.  Christmas?? Next post....