
Wednesday, November 13

the Baby Grows Up!

I am determined to finish one child's birthday celebration before the other begins - so here goes with #lucylooistwo!  Our baby turned two back in September and has certainly lived up to a two year olds reputation.  She's precious, with an opinion and temper all of her own.  We like to joke that she takes on some of Aunt T's qualities :) I kid, I kid, T!

We celebrated little l's birthday with what is probably going to be our traditional two year birthday present, a strider bike all of her own.  She insists on doing it totally alone, which is wonderfully independent...but we'll see how long it takes before we actually make it out of the driveway on that thing.

Big brother was the lookout man for when the birthday girl & her daddy got to yay yay and gradndads for the big celebration.  He also was responsible for distributing the party hats.  If there is not hat, there is no party!

The big two year old was thrilled with her birthday present - and I'm excited that there will be no more fighting - at least over who gets to ride the bike.

Since L's birthday was on a Monday we took a girls brunch out to First Watch after we dropped P man off at school.  She got her very own chocolate chip pancakes & didn't have to share, and we watched her squeal with delight as she pulled out bracelet after bracelet from her gift bag from yay yay.  She has been obsessed lately with doing absolutely everything I do, including showering (that one is fun),  washing her face, putting on lotion and finally, she wants to always wear my watch and one bracelet.  So now, she has her own!

We picked up brother from school still in our birthday hats and headed home where we discovered several fun things dropped off at our door!  So after rest time, we had tea time thanks to Aunt Jan.  The kids did this for over an hour.  It was hilarious.  Everyone had to use the bathroom more than usual that afternoon!

I think it is safe to say that the birthday girl thoroughly enjoyed her day - and big brother was a great help (and also loved the presents).

Hopefully this video works out of the kids riding their bikes / running around like crazies in the street while their Daddy chugs his coffee :)

The next Saturday we headed out to Walt Disney World, the happiest place on Earth, to celebrate our happy 2 year old.  She LOVED it.  P LOVED it even more.  Aunt T was given a few tickets to Disney from someone who wanted to thank her for all of her hard and awesome work and she was gracious enough to share them with us - and lets be honest, she had more fun with the kids than she would have by herself! :)  I tried to plan plan plan as much as I could knowing that we had two young ones on our hands who would get cranky no matter where they were...and let me just say, that the internet has plenty of opinions on how to do Disney.  As in, way overwhelming.  I was determined to just have fun and ignore the crazy lucky for us, there were none!  As soon as we arrived in the park my careful planning went awry as we headed straight for the train and Frontierland instead of sprinting to FantasyLand like I hoped.  No worries, not only was no one on the train, there was no one in line for Splash Mountain.  So while it was L's birthday we made her and yay yay entertain themselves while we took P down to the Briar Patch.  It was not his favorite.  Not in the least.  It didn't help that the ride got stuck right under the scary vultures.  I was a little afraid he would try to get out of the log but luckily he decided that was even more scary.  We all made it & I think the rest of us laughing helped soothe P.  Plus after that we went to It's a Small World which will calm anyone's nerves :)  And not to worry, L got plenty of treats while she was patiently waiting for us.

So we hit up Small World, Mickey's Philharmonic (not a hit with either kid...they don't like the 3-D), the carosel which is always a favorite & then lunch.  After lunch P pulled out the map and directed us where he wanted to go...race cars for him, Dumbo again for Lucy.  P loves being the mapholder and dictating where we should go next....deju vu for me & Uncle Bale :).

Next up - Dumbo again, the Little Mermaid - which spawned a P-man obsession with Ariel that lasted nearly a month.  He barely got over it in time to decide to be spider-man for halloween instead of Ariel.  We did Winnie-the-Pooh and wound our way around to an old family favorite...the Country Bear Jamboree!  But not before we downed some mickey mouse ice cream...

And then, we made a break for the exits.  Honestly, I thought it would be 3pm when we got to the car.  It was 5p.  We made the best of our whole day, September is for sure the time to go to Disney...hopefully the millions of people who read this blog while they are making plans will pick another month :)  I'd say everyone, grandparents, parents, aunts & kids all had a pretty great birthday!

And it's true, my baby is no longer a seemed to just happen overnight.  She's in a big girl bed, no longer uses a paci (that one was tough) and is potty-training.  On a princess potty.  That I have to carry around because she is afraid of the big toilet.  Which honestly, if I were her I would be afraid too...she's in the 6th percentile in weight for 2 year olds and that thing is loud and looks like it would swallow you.  So I'm cutting her a break for now.  But teaching a boy to find a tree was way easier.

Here are some other recent pictures just for your amusement!  P's birthday is next Friday so I'll be back at it before the new one is born!  Fingers crossed....

in case anyone is wondering, P has a "routine" which MUST be followed to a T at bedtime.  In it, he picks put his clothes for the next day.  He will not negotiate.  So I let him wear his favorite things.  He never matches.  Ever. 

And the pictures above are of the EHS homecoming parade...hopefully the video of P being humpty dumpty works.  In P's own words to his teacher..."Humpty Dumpty Falled.  He Breaked."  retold by Peter.  I'm so proud.

I'm 32 weeks pregnant this week.  And now that the school Fundraiser "Fun Fair" is over ( I was in charge of organizing that) I only have P's birthday, Thanksgiving & Christmas...but who's counting??!!!

T.  You're up.  Seriously.  Camp story is long over due.