Major movements in my life, readers! A few highlights:
Elle, Vidhika, Maisa, Negar, Liz, and me |
Graduation: I finished the MBA program at Crummer in late April and graduated with my classmates the first week of May. Since it was my 4th graduation (yes, I am starting to be over-educated) I really wasn't all that excited to attend. But my classmates (and friends) were so excited it was contagious and it was nice that they wanted me to be there so bad. They are good people. Senator Bill Nelson was the commencement speaker so I was naturally interested. The significant time spent on ensuring that we knew the importance of the business code of ethics was a bit boring and unwelcome though. I mean, as of yet, we hadn't committed any ethical business violations so why were we subject to a lecture better suited for the guys who ended up being jailed for it? Still, Senator Nelson is an awesome Senator and Floridian, and an astronaut, so I like him. P and L weren't big fans though. Too much sitting for them after all the people in the funny hats processed in. Hilariously, when LDL had to get up to walk the kids out my classmates all turned around to stare at me. As if to make sure that I was actually still sitting with the graduate and not up in the stands. LDL and I still aren't convinced we look
that much alike but I just we could just be in denial.
Generic Google image. I think it is Lausanne. |
Travel: Just after graduation my Nespresso Case team found out that we had earned a place in the Top 3 of the competition. What's that you ask? We signed up for an additional work load during the last semester of our business school curriculum. This sounds like a terrible idea, until I tell you that as a member of the Top 3, I earned an all-expenses paid trip to Nestle headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. Woot Woot!! We have to essentially memorize the 20 page case brief, our own 12 page business proposal, create a dynamic and original presentation, and try to keep our cool as we present the idea to the executive team at Nespresso. I'm actually more nervous about making the presentation in front of Crummer faculty. I know them; they know me. Presentations (aka standing in front of a room full of people staring at you) are definitely out of my comfort zone. That is all a minor, minor worry. Switzerland or bust. I'll post pictures when I return!
Employment: Who would have thunk it? Things moved fairly quickly once the ball got rolling. Even though this is a very exciting and important thing, I found it to be a fairly anxiety-producing process. After all, I was being pursued by two companies who couldn't have been more different from each other. After hemming and hawing (probably for too long in the mind of the employer) I decided that I would be happiest and could grow as a professional best at a small, boutique consulting firm here in Central Florida. I've been working for 2 weeks and couldn't be more thrilled with the direction things are heading. The work is interesting, I am good at what I do, I like the team, and I am learning quite a bit. Not to mention, I get to travel to make presentations (will learn to like them?), meet clients, and do general project management. All is well here. (the weekly paycheck does not hurt)
Google Image of Lake Eola, Downtown Orlando |
Living Space: Minor update here, but since I have finished school and am gainfully employed (and 31 years old), I felt like it was time to move out of my parents house. Luckily, they have an apartment in downtown Orlando that they had been renting to another tenant. That tenant ended her lease at exactly the same time I was interested in moving. After a tense (not really) negotiation with the landlords, I was accepted as the new tenant for June. I love nesting and can't wait to get the furniture that has traveled across the country and back with me up to an urban apartment here in Orlando. Time to bust out my kitchen supplies and make more than a few trips to The Container Store!
"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
Proverbs 19:21