The seas were not friendly that day -- at least not to us. We caught snook, a trout, a redfish, and a catfish. When I say "we" I mostly mean RBDJr, although I was successful with the small snook and catfish. Both dad and the guide were anxious to have me catch a giant one. So much so that when I failed to set the hook correctly, or failed to notice that my bait was dead, I felt as if I had let them down. I wasn't upset; most of the time I like just being on the water. The bonus of all your catching being finished in the morning is that most restaurants in the area will cook your catch. Fried redfish that was swimming in the salty sea a couple of hours ago and an ice cold beer is the best lunch ever.
I love getting to hang out with dad. I love the water. I love sunshine. Being back in Florida has been good for me. Would I have liked to catch more fish? Duh. But watching and laughing with Dad when the guide parked the boat overnight underneath a chain blocking someone else's slip, or when we phoned a friend for a combination to a lock and then discovered we didn't need it. Fishing got rained out Sunday and instead of taking our time and relaxing more, we raced home to see the kiddos, ready to resume our Aunt T and Grand-dad roles.
(ps. this picture transfer from the phone didn't work out that well - will figure that out before the next post)